Count Duke among the programs recruiting 2012 forward Perry Ellis of Wichita (Kansas) Heights.
Ellis had initially cut his list to Kansas, Kansas State, Memphis, Kentucky, Oklahoma and Wichita State, but now Duke has become involved.
Fonda Ellis, Perry’s mom, said new Duke assistant Jeff Capel stays in regular touch with Perry and that Coach K called, too.
“Coach K wanted to talk to Perry,” Fonda said. “So we set up a call to call him in May. Then on June 1 Coach K called Perry and talked. They are just getting acquainted right now.
“Perry knows Capel really well. He had recruited Perry since his freshman year [at Oklahoma]….They want him to come visit. Coach K said that Perry reminds him of Grant Hill.”
BrayR / June 15, 2011
Heard this guy is KU bound! Hopefully not Coach K bound!!!
MrDogma / June 15, 2011
maybe perry can design some new duke uni’s, then wear one.